this project was an investigation into the surfaces and structures present in a tree
i am interested in the materiality of natural phenonomen and I wanted to think about ways I could translate my personal sensory experience of observing trees into the physical world
i enjoyed the process of this project as helped me understand how I see and process visual information.
i use drawing as a sensory observation tool.
i use paper manipulation and digital working as problem solving for my three dimensional outcomes and samples.

cutting shaping, folding and other actions help me to understand shape in a hands on manner.
chapter 1

chapter 2 paper manipulation and translating my drawings
homemade onion paper
rust print on paper
chapter 2 bringing my drawings into paper manipulations and other 3 dimesional textural forms
handmade textured paper experiment-using a tree to make a tree
chapter 3: Making Tree-like forms
Handmade onion paper
iron oxide + fabric
made with nails and vinegar
plant and rust print on fabric
This book is called Crainn na hEireann which translates to Tree of Ireland.
Eire/ Eriu is the traditional goddess of Ireland- her body is the land and her hair is the tree.
Before colonisation Eire was 98 percent forest
a tree trunk