a garden
take a walk through the garden of the universe
In this project I considered the knot as an essential spiritual design joining all units of matter in the Biomatrix
I was interested in the materiality of atomic knots and other unicursal microstructures present in the natural world.
I decided knit would be an appropriate process to integrate and experiment with as it describes contrasting qualitys delicacy and durability we associated with knotted objects.
are we knotted ?
Through my research knots began to resonate as an imaginative fundamental symbol of unity, an unconscious centre-point, the centre of the labyrinth.
Knots, The imaginary underbelly of the universe
I found almost everything is made of knots and that is so exciting.
A knotted object can be a wooly jumper, a human dna, a macrame basket, a rock, a tree
The knitting process also serves as a metaphor for the labyrinth, the single string that is manipulated acts as the winding path we follow and experience to reach the centre point.
Click here for research
Final outcome